Arendtiana Collection

Cover Image:
Arendtiana Collection
Letter from Senator J.W. Fulbright - Image Source

Collection Facts


Historical Context

Hannah Arendt (1906–1975) was a famed philosopher who has become the most taught and arguably most influential political thinker of the 20th century. Arendt fearlessly raised unpopular questions about the thoughtless embrace of science, insisted that human rights were counter productive, and questioned the forced integration of schools even as she defended strongly the rights to interracial marriage and civil disobedience. In the pantheon of great thinkers, Arendt articulated the richest and most compelling vision of the human need for a public and political life.

The Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College is the world's most expansive home for bold and risky humanities thinking about our political world inspired by the spirit of Hannah Arendt, the leading thinker of politics and active citizenship in the modern era.

Scope of Collection

The Arendtiana Collection gathers materials closely related to the life and work of Hannah Arendt. It is a small supplemental collection to the Hannah Arendt Library, a collection of materials discovered in her library at the time of her death and now maintained at the Stevenson Library.